WMD C4RBN 4-2-Pole State-Variable Filter W-Wavefolding Instructions

WMD C4RBN 4-2-Pole State-Variable Filter W-Wavefolding Instructions  & troubleshooting 1


C4RBN 4-2-Pole State-Variable Filter W-Wavefolding

C4RBN builds on WMD’s history with state-variable filters adding interface refinements and improved warm environment stability for live performance and beyond. A novel input saturation circuit and the output wavefolder from WMD’s classic SYNCHRODYNE filter pair together to push the timbral flexibility to the next level. C4RBN is the building block to life in your eurorack.

HP/BP/LP (LEDs & BUTTON): Cycle through the 4 POLE frequency responses. The LED changes immediately but the audio will wait until the user has made their selection. Holding the button will delay the audio change until release. WMD C4RBN 4-2-Pole State-Variable Filter W-Wavefolding Instructions  & troubleshooting 2 FREQ: Manual filter cutoff frequency control. 2.5Hz to 10kHz
FM: Inverting attenuator for scaling the signal at the FM input jack. Input is exponential and controls filter cutoff. FOLD/SAT (LEDs & BUTTON): Press this button to toggle the 4P output wavefolder. The FOLD LED will be lit if it is enabled. Hold this button to cycle through 4 levels of input saturation. The current level is indicated by the SAT LED.
SAT: Analog CV input for the input saturator. Offers greater control over the saturation level. PING: Sending a gate or trigger into ping generates a fast decay envelope emulating the response of a vactrol.
RES: Manual and CV control of filter’s resonance. Self oscillates above 3’Oclock. V/OCT: Calibrated exponential CV input for controlling filter cutoff in the classic keytracking style.
LP/BP/HP/4 POLE: LP, BP, and HP are the respective outputs of the first 2-Pole filter. 4P is the output of the 2nd, series, 2-Pole filter with selectable frequency response and output wavefolder. IN: Audio input passes through the input saturator before entering the first 2-Pole filter.

Size: 4hp PCB: 112mm Depth: 38mm (with cables) Power: +92mA, -82mA Memory: 1 save / minute
Audio Input: 100k ohm impedance 20Vpp range
V/Oct Input: 82k ohm impedance Temperature Compensated CV Inputs: >100k ohm impedance
Filter Outputs: 1k ohm impedance 20Vpp rangeWMD C4RBN 4-2-Pole State-Variable Filter W-Wavefolding Instructions  & troubleshooting 3