GASTEC 271 Mercury In Water Detector Tube Instruction Manual

GASTEC 271 Mercury In Water Detector Tube Instruction Manual  & troubleshooting 1GASTEC 271 Mercury In Water Detector Tube

GASTEC 271 Mercury In Water Detector Tube Instruction Manual  & troubleshooting 2

Instructions for Mercury in Water Detector Tube

Read this instruction manual carefully prior to use.
CAUTION: If not observed, injuries to the operator or damage to the product may result.

  1. When breaking the tube ends, keep away from eyes.
  2. Do not touch the broken glass tubes, pieces and reagent with bare hand(s).

NOTES: For maintaining performance and reliability to the test results.

  1. Use this tube under the temperature range ol O • 35″C(32 – 95’F) in water.
  2. Use this tube between pH values of 4.5 to 8.0.
  3. This tube may be interfered with by the coexisting substances. Refer to the “INTERFERENCES”.
  4. Shelf life and storage condition of the tube is marked on the label ol the box of tube.Place the lower end plug packing of the tubes below the water surface.


Use this tube for the detection of Mercury in the Waste water.


(As a result of Gastec’s commitment to continued improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.)
GASTEC 271 Mercury In Water Detector Tube Instruction Manual  & troubleshooting 3

Measuring Ranae 1 • 20ma/.
Semolina Time 5minutes
Detection Limit 0.5ma/L
colour change Pale orange – Bluish purple
Reaction Formula Mercury reacts with indicator tooroducebluish ourolestain.

Coefficient of Variation : 15% (for 1 to 5 mg/L), 10% (for 5 to 20 mg/L)

  • Shelf life : Please refer to the Validity Date printed on the box of tube.
  • Store the tubes under dark and cool place.

Water Temperature : No effect by the water temperature between O – 35’C(32 – 95°F). pH Value : Use the tube in the pH value of 4.5 – 8.0.

  1. Take sample water into an approximately 100 ml capacity of dry, clean beaker.
  2. Break tips off a fresh detector tube by bending each tube end in the tube tip holder (optional).
  3. Immerse the filled end of the tube into the sample water as illustrated below. Capillary action occurs and the sample water instantly rises through the reagent. If the sample containsmercury, the pale orange reagent of the tube turns to bluish 2_ purple colour.
  4. When the sample water rises up to the upper end plug, remove the tube. GASTEC 271 Mercury In Water Detector Tube Instruction Manual  & troubleshooting 4
  5. Read concentration at the interface of the stained-to­
    unstained reagent.
  6. If the stain exceeds the highest calibration mark (20 mg/L), dilute the sample with pure water and retest using a fresh tube. Obtain true concentration by multiplying the tube reading by the dilution ratio.

True Concentration = v1 :i v2 x Tube Reading
V1: Volume of Sample water
V2: Volume of Dilution (pure water)

Do not keep to immerse the tube into sample water past the upper end plug.

INTERFERENCES GASTEC 271 Mercury In Water Detector Tube Instruction Manual  & troubleshooting 5

The table of these interference substances primarily expresses the interference of each coexisting substance in the concentration range, equivalent to the substance concentration. Therefore, the test result may be given a positive result by the other substance not listed in the table. For more information is needed, please contact us or our distributors in your territory.


Reagent of the tube does not use toxic substances. When disposing the tube regardless of used or unused, follow the rules and regulations of the local government.


If you have any questions regarding gas detection and quality of the tubes, please feel free to contact your Gastec representatives.

Manufacturer : Gastec Corporation
8-8-6 Fukayanaka, Ayase-City, Kanagawa 252-1195, Japan
Telephone +81-467-79-3910 Facsimile +81-467-79-3979