CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide

CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 1CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 2

CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 3200992
4650W Portable Inverter Generator

CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 4WARNING:

Read the ENTIRE operator’s manual to become familiar with the features of the product before operating.
Failure to operate the product correctly can result in damage to the product, personal property and cause serious injury or even death.
© Champion Power Equipment 2021.
All Rights Reserved. / Todos los derechos reservados.

Set-Up CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 5

  1. Open shipping carton. CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 6 Assembly > Unpacking
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 7
  2. Shipping Support. CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 8Assembly > Remove Shipping Support Hardware.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 9
  3. Add oil. CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 10 Assembly > Add Engine Oil.
    Recommended: 10W-30, up to 16.9 fl. oz. (500 ml) DO NOT overfill.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 11
  4. Move the generator outdoors.
    Move generator to an open, outdoor area. Point exhaust away. Never run a generator in enclosed areas (e.g., not in house or garage).
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 12Keep all objects at least 5 feet (1.5 m) from the generator. The heat from the muffler and exhaust gas can ignite combustible materials.
    Start-UpCHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 13
  5. Add fuel. CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 14Assembly > Add Fuel
    DO NOT use E15 or E85.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 15
  6. DO NOT plug in any electrical devices.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 16CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 17NEVER START OR STOP THE GENERATOR WITH ELECTRICAL DEVICES CONNECTED OR  TURNED ON!
  7. Turn the EZ Start dial to the full choke position.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 18
  8. Pull the recoil to start the engine.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 19
  9. Turn the EZ Start dial to the RUN position.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 20
  10. Plugin. CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 21Operation > Connecting Electrical Loads.
    CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 22

CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 23

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CHAMPION 200992 4650W Portable Inverter Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 241-877-338-0999