CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide

CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 1CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 2CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 3100416
8000W Tri-Fuel Portable Generator

CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 4 WARNING:
Read the ENTIRE operator’s manual to become familiar with the features of the product before operating. Failure to operate the product correctly can result in damage to the product, and personal property and cause serious injury or even death.

CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 5 Set-Up

  1. Open shipping carton.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 6 Assembly > UnpackingCHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 7
  2. Attach wheel kit.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 8 Assembly > Install Wheel Kit
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 9
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator - Attach wheel kit 1
  3. Connect the battery.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 10 Assembly > Connect the Battery.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 11
  4. Add oilCHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 12 Assembly > Add Engine Oil.
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 13
  5. Move the generator outdoors.
    Move generator to an open, outdoor area.
    Point exhaust away. Never run a generator in enclosed areas (e.g., not in the house or garage).
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 14Keep all objects at least 5 feet (1.5 m) from the generator. The heat from the muffler and exhaust gas can ignite combustible materials.
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 15
  6. Add fuel – Gasoline, Propane (LPG), or Natural Gas (NG)CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 16 Assembly > Add Fuel
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 17 FOR GASOLINE OPERATION:
    DO NOT USE E15 OR E85CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 18
  7. DO NOT plug in any electrical devices.
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 19NEVER START OR STOP THE GENERATOR WITH ELECTRICAL
    DEVICES CONNECTED OR TURNED ON!CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 20
  8. a Starting the Engine: Gasoline
    Encender el motor: Gasolina
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 21 Electric Start
    1. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “GASOLINE CHOKE” position.
    2. Press and hold the ignition switch to the “START” position.
    3. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “GASOLINE RUN” position.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 22Manual Start
    1. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “GASOLINE CHOKE” position.
    2. Pull the recoil cord.
    3. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “GASOLINE RUN” position.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 238b.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 24 Starting the Engine: Propane (LPG) or Natural Gas (NG)
    Select Fuel Source
    Left Position: Propane (LPG)
    Right Position: Natural Gas (NG)
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 25Electric Start
    1. Open the valve on the tank for propane operation, or open natural gas supply valve.
    2. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “LPG-NG CHOKE” position.
    3. Press the ignition switch to the “START” position for 2 to 3 seconds.
    4. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “LPG-NG RUN” position.
    5. Press and hold the ignition switch to the “START” position for up to 5 seconds or until started.
    6. If engine does not start, wait 10 seconds, then repeat step 5.
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 26Manual Start
    1. Open the valve on the tank for propane operation, or open natural gas supply valve.
    2. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “LPG-NG CHOKE” position.
    3. Pull the recoil cord 2 to 3 times.
    4. Turn the EZ Start dial to the “LPG-NG RUN” position.
    5. Pull the recoil cord.
    CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 27
  9. Plugin.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 28 Operation > Connecting Electrical Loads.CHAMPION 100416 8000W Tri Fuel Portable Generator User Guide  & troubleshooting 29
